Category: What’s on in Greece: Weekly snapshots
American banks and raising the minimum wage
Elections ante portas and the pre-election period is expected to be cloudy.
Last week the research platform People of Greece focused on two main issues. The collapse of US banks that the majority of Greeks fear that the Greek banking system
will be affected by it. In the political scene, the timing of the governmental announcement of the increase in the minimum wage
is perceived more as a pre-election trick and less as a promise fulfilled.
Bad weather, the Prime Minister’s press conference and the motion of censure
Bad weather hit most of the country on Thursday causing problems in schools and on the roads with neighborhoods resembling rivers. On the political scene, Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, held a press conference on Monday answering questions focused on the economy, growth and the labor market. A motion of censure against the government was deposited by the Coalition of the Radical Left–Progressive Alliance, SYRIZA, with the issue of wiretapping as the central cause.
Σεισμοί, νέες συλλήψεις, τελευταίο αντίο και ερευνά στις Βρυξέλλες
Ανησυχία έχουν προκαλέσει οι σεισμοί που σημειώνονται το τελευταίο διάστημα στην Εύβοια με τους ειδικούς να κάνουν λόγο για έξαρση του φαινομένου. Νέες συλλήψεις έχουν γίνει για την υπόθεση της 12χρονης στον Κολωνό ενώ το τελευταίο αντίο έδωσαν συγγενείς και φίλοι του Κώστα Φραγκούλη ο οποίος έχασε την ζωή του μετά από τραυματισμό από σφαίρα αστυνομικού. Στο πολιτικό προσκήνιο, στις Βρυξέλλες συνεχίζεται η έρευνα για τη διαφθορά και τη δωροδοκία στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο, με την Εύα Καϊλη να βρίσκεται εντός φυλακής και να αρνείται τις κατηγορίες.
Maestro on Netflix, nationwide strike and wiretapping case
An important distinction for the Maestro series by Christoforos Papakaliatis, which is the 1st Greek series with a presence on the popular Netflix streaming platform. On Wednesday there was a nationwide strike to be exact with several episodes. In the political scene, the case about the wiretapping is ongoing with Costas Vaxevanis talking about “a unified monitoring circuit with a criminal mastermind of Mr. Mitsotakis”.
Bad weather “EVA”, household basket, pre-trial detention of Vassilis Papatheodoros, developments in the cases of the 12-year-old girl and MP A. Patsi
Strong weather phenomena are expected this weekend, according to the Emergency Weather Bulletin. The “Household Basket” initiative is now available from Wednesday in 13 supermarket chains, under which private label products are sold at lower prices.
The Greek society is shocked after the detention for child pornography of the award-winning children’s literature author, Vassilis Papatheodorou, while the court case concerning the 12-year-old girl continues, with new arrests on the horizon. On the political scene, the case of MP Andreas Patsis on the management of red loans is before the prosecutor.
Three-day of 28 October, reception of the German Chancellor and the deletion of Andreas Patsis
The three days of October 28th were sunny, with temperatures reaching 24 degrees. In the political scene, Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, welcomed the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, at the Maximou Mansion on Tuesday. Deletion of Andreas Patsis from New Democracy, following the revelation that he manages red loans.
The rape case, the death of Olympic champion Alexandros Nikolaidis and three new metro stations
Society is shocked by the case of the rape of the 12-year-old girl, with 53-year-old Elias Michos and 42-year-old Ioannis Iosifidis as the main accused. At the same time, the Greek police are investigating 213 more people who may have been involved in the abuse of the victim. Today, 43-year-old Olympic champion Alexandros Nikolaidis dies, losing his battle with cancer. On 10 October the three new stations, “Maniatika”, “Piraeus” and “Municipal Theatre” of the blue metro line were officially opened, giving new life to the areas.