“People of Greece” is a huge dynamic data library covering all major dimensions of social, political and business life in Greece. It is active since 2009 as a subscription-based knowledge platform, nonpartisan and non advocacy, that systematically observes the changes in the sociopolitical scene and “listens” to the messages of the Greek society and to the views of opinion leaders.
It examines in depth social values, beliefs, attitudes and emotions on key issues, by using a number of research tools (modules of quantitative research mainly, but also qualitative research, in depth interviews, opinion leaders interviews etc).
Its core is a nationwide quantitative survey (door-to door), including more than 500 variables, that is being conducted three times per year with 1500 questionnaires each time.
This survey monitors since 2009 the evolution of various issues such as (indicatively):
- Well-Being
- satisfaction from life
- emotional prosperity
- psychological integration
- weakness index
- Social values and consumption patterns
- social values (family, home, religion, social tolerance, work)
- trends in consumption and buying patterns / habits
- traditional media/ new media
- Crisis Images
- political attitudes/ self- positioning
- expectations for the economy / solutions to crisis (eg Greece Europe, Private vs. Public, etc.)
- trust barometer (Public Institutions & Business Sectors).
“People of Greece” has been extensively used in the social dialogue through open discussions, articles and publications, while its insights have supported strategic and tactical decision making of both business and public policy makers (Public and Private Institutions, NGOs, Charitable Foundations etc.).
Never before the changes in the broader sociopolitical context were that significant in the decision making process. Do not stay isolated.
Tel: (+30) 210 7484602-3
Fax: (+30) 210 7484604
Email: info@qed.gr
To see “People of Greece” info graphics and previous publications click here.
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